Kurt Bluemel, Inc.

Grasses / L

(Common Listing)

Locate grasses by BONTANICAL NAME


To locate grasses by COMMON NAME, click on the first letter of the name below.


Botanical / Common Name
Large Blue Hair Grass
Koeleria glauca 
Blue Hair grass is an ideal full sun/part shade border plant.  It is non-invasive, obedient in clumps and attractive as an accent or along an edge. In hot dry conditions, ample water and light shade bring out the best in this grass, but it will tolerate the exposed condition of a rock garden.  Blue Hair grass has fantastic foliage with nice flowers which are excellent in dried flower arrangements.
  • Height: 6”-12” Spread: puffy clumps
  • Full sun to part shade
  • Spring or fall planting
  • Zone 4-8

Large Fontaine
Miscanthus sinensis 'Grosse Fontäne’

(spring planting) 6-7 ft., fountain-like growth habit, early Aug bloomer, Zone 5-9
Late Blooming Fountain Grass
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry’
(spring planting) sun, pink inflorescence in Aug-Sept, strong grower, 3-5 ft., fountain-like growth habit, gold-dust colored inflorescence carried above the foilage from early Aug-Oct, excellent Fall décor, 2-3 ft., dark purple plumes that are larger than regular variety, blooms Oct- Nov, Zone 5-9
Leather Leaf Sedge
Carex buchananii 
(spring planting) 2 ft., upright erect growth, golden brown foilage, full-part shade, Zone 6-9
Lemon Grass 
Cymbopogon citratus 
(spring planting) 2-3 ft., 1 in. wide, light green leaves, full sun, moisture, Zone 9-10
Little Blue Stem
Schizachyrium scoparius
(spring or fall planting) 2-3 ft., blooms late Summer, blue-green, turning reddish, common in Maryland, Zone 5-9
Little Dot
Miscanthus sinensis 'Puenktchen’
(spring planting) 4-5 ft., finer than Misc. s. zebrinus, yellow bands of variegation, similar to Strictus, Zone 5-9
Little Fontaine
Miscanthus sinensis 'Kleine Fontäne’
(spring planting) 3-4 ft., sun, smaller with continuous developing flowering culms, fountain-like appearance, Zone 5-9
Little Silver Spider
Miscanthus sinensis 'Kleine Silberspinne’
(spring planting) 3-4 ft., small, upright habit, rich blooming, good for small gardens, Zone 5-9
Love Grass
(spring or fall planting) sun, groups, massing, blooms in Summer, Zone 5-9