Kurt Bluemel, Inc.

Grasses / W

(Common Listing)

Locate grasses by BONTANICAL NAME


To locate grasses by COMMON NAME, click on the first letter of the name below.


Botanical / Common Name
Wallis Fescue
Festuca valesiaca 'Glaucantha’
(spring or fall planting) sun, massing, 4 in., blue green, Zone 4-7
Miscanthus sinensis 'Wetterfahne’
(spring planting) 7-8 ft., broad green leaves, plumes pink-red, blooms mid-Summer, Zone 6-9
Weeping Brown New Zealand Sedge
Carex flagellifera 
(spring or fall planting) 1-2 ft.,orange to bronze foliage, less vertical, Zone 7-9
Weser River Mountain Country
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Weserbergland’
(spring planting) sun, pink inflorescence in Aug-Sept, strong grower, 3-5 ft., fountain-like growth habit, gold-dust colored inflorescence carried above the foilage from early Aug-Oct, excellent Fall décor 1-2 ft., compact growth habit, wider than it is tall, rich blooming Aug-Oct, Zone 6-9
Wheat Grass 
Agropyron magellanicum 
Blue Wheatgrass is reputed to be the bluest of all grasses.  Foliage is very blue; medium blade width.  It grows well in sandy loam with excellent drainage and ample water but seems to struggle in hot and dry conditions which can be helped with light shade and extra water.   Quickly loses color when it dries out.
  • (spring or fall planting)
  • Height:  2-2.5’
  • Spread:  tufts
  • Zone 5-8
White Flowering Fountain Grass
Pennisetum caudatum 
(spring planting) sun, pink inflorescence in Aug-Sept, strong grower, 3-4 ft., very vigorous grower Aug-Oct, Zone 6-9
Wild Oats
Chasmanthium latifolium 
Cool season, clump forming grass with light green wide blades.  It has a highly decorative inflorescence that looks just like oats.  Appears in early spring with a soft apple green seed head with pinkish highlights that gently resolve to a wheat brown.  Shade should be provided in hot dry locations, well drained soil with ample moisture; drought tolerant once established.
  • (spring planting)
  • Height 28-40”
  • Spread same
  • Full sun – Shade
  • Zone 5-9
Wild Rye
Leymus (Elymus) 
(spring or fall planting) sun, groups, Zone 4-9
Wind's Game
Molinia litorialis 'Windspiel’
(spring planting) 1.5-2 ft. foliage with plumes reaching 6-7 ft., upright slender growth habit, Zone 4-8
Witch of the Moor
Molinia caerulea 'Moorhexe’
(spring planting) 1 ft. foliage with plumes reaching 2-2.5 ft., rich blooming dark flowers, Zone 4-8