Kurt Bluemel, Inc.

Grasses / A

(Botanical Listing)

Locate grasses by COMMON NAME


To locate grasses by BOTANICAL NAME, click on the first letter of the name below.

ABCDEFGHIJKLM • N • O • P • Q • R • ST • U • V • W • X • Y • Z

Botanical / Common Name
Acorus calamus 
Sweet Flag
(spring or fall planting) 2-3 ft., water edge,Zone 5-10
Acorus calamus 'Variegatus'
Variegated Sweet Flag
(spring or fall planting) Zone 6-10
Acorus gramineus 
Japanese Sweet Flag
(spring or fall planting) up to 1 ft., sun, part shade, up to 1 ft., sun, part shade, Zone 7-9
Acorus gramineus ‘Masamume' (spring or fall planting) up to 1 ft., sun, part shade, white striped leaves, similar to var., Zone 7-9
Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus'
Dwarf Golden Japanese Sweet Flag
(spring or fall planting) up to 1 ft., sun, part shade, ground cover, Zone 5-9
Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki'
Golden Sweet Flag
(spring or fall planting) up to 1 ft., sun, part shade, 10 in., beautiful foliage, Zone 7-9
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
Golden Variegated Japanese Sweet Flag
(spring or fall planting) up to 1 ft., sun, part shade, 10 in., beautiful foliage, Zone 7-9
Acorus gramineus 'Pusillus’ 
Dwarf Sweet Flag
(spring or fall planting) up to 1 ft., sun, part shade, 5 in., fine green foliage, shallow water, Zone 6-10
Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' (spring or fall planting)up to 1 ft., sun, part shade, Zone 7-9
Agropyron magellanicum 
Wheat Grass 
Blue Wheatgrass is reputed to be the bluest of all grasses.  Foliage is very blue; medium blade width.  It grows well in sandy loam with excellent drainage and ample water but seems to struggle in hot and dry conditions which can be helped with light shade and extra water.   Quickly loses color when it dries out.
  • (spring or fall planting)
  • Height:  2-2.5’
  • Spread:  tufts
  • Zone 5-8
Alopecurus pratensis 'Aureovariegatus'
Yellow Foxtail Grass
(spring or fall planting)1 ft., sun, groups or massing, blooms late Spring, 1 ft., sun, groups or massing, blooms late Spring, golden leaves, Zone 4-9
Ammophila arenaria 
European Dune Grass
(spring or fall planting) 2-3 ft., used to control erosion in dunes, aggressive running species, Zone 5-9
Ammophila breviligulata 
Beach Grass 
A tall, erect, stiff perennial grass arising from long subsurface rhizomes. A leaf cluster surrounds an elongated flowering spike, unlike other beach grasses.  American Beach Grass, the most common dune plant along much of the Atlantic Coast, is important as a dune stabilizer, for it can withstand burial within a shifting dune by sending up vertical rhizomes that produce new emerging stems. This plant’s rhizome mat is both horizontal and vertical, and its roots over 20’ deep beneath the sand, thus serving to knit a dune together. One of the first plants to appear where sand dunes are forming on a shoreline. As sand builds up around the new grass, the stems grow higher. Old stems become roots which can eventually extend 3-4 m below the top of a sand dune. Can be found on the Atlantic coast and the lower Great Lakes.
  • (spring or fall planting)
  • Height: 2.5’
  • Spread: loosely 3’
  • Native to U.S
  • Zone 5-10
Andropogon gerardii 
Big Blue Stem
(spring or fall planting) 4-8 ft., green-blue in Summer, orange-red in Fall, clump forming & upright, Zone 3-9
Andropogon glomeratus 
Bushy Beardgrass
(spring or fall planting) 3-4 ft., moisture tolerant, Zone 5-9
Andropogon virginicus 
Broom Sedge
(spring or fall planting) 2-3 ft, tolerates extreme conditions including salt spray, pioneer plant, prefers sun, Zone 3-9
Arrenatherum bulbosum ‘Variegatum' 
Bulbous Oat Grass 
(spring or fall planting) 1-2 ft., sun, part shade, massing, white variegation, blooms in summer, Zone 4-9
Arundo donax 
Giant Reed 
(spring planting) 9-20 ft., sun, specimen, tall screen, evergreen in southern USA, corn like foilage, blooms fall, Zone 6-10
Arundo donax 'Golden Chain'
Golden Chain Giant Reed Grass
This beautiful new UK selection of the giant reed grass adds a new twist to a great deer-resistant garden plant. Arundo 'Golden Chain' was named in the mid-1990s by Liam Mackenzie of the UK's Madrona Nursery as a tissue culture mutation from Arundo donax 'Versicolor'. Arundo 'Golden Chain' forms a clump of 7' tall upright stalks of medium green leaves edged in gold. The color holds all season, unlike the larger and more common Arundo donax 'Versicolor'. Arundo 'Golden Chain' is also a much smaller and less vigorous plant that makes propagation more of a chore, but keeps it in scale with smaller gardens. Origin Mediterranean Europe.
  • Sun to Part Sun
  • Height 84” or more
  • Zone 7-9
Arundo donax ‘Peppermint Stick’ This wonderful deer-resistant grass is native to Mediterranean freshwater wetlands.  It has long been a garden favorite of designers who like to create drama and unique focal points. The former issue of leaf variegation fading in warm weather has been solved by this import. Arundo 'Peppermint Stick' was imported from the Shanghai Botanic Garden by plantsman Greg Speichert. Arundo 'Peppermint Stick' forms sturdy 12' tall canes, adorned with vivid wide green-and-white striped leaves that are as rich in summer as first flush in spring. In the fall, the clumps are topped with 18" tall bronze-colored plumes. Arundo donax is on the noxious weed list but this cultivar does not spread aggressively.  It may get too large for small gardens. It will not displace natives in functioning ecosystems. Origin Mediterranean Europe, Asia.
Arundo donax 'Variegata’ 
Striped Giant Reed 
(spring planting) Zone 7-10