Kurt Bluemel, Inc.

Perennials / D

(Common Listing)

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Botanical / Common Name

Dalmatian Bellflower
Campanula portenschlagiana (muralis)                 

Campanula portenschlagiana (formerly known as campanula muralis) produces the very best intense lilac flowers from late spring through most of the summer. It has a creeping habit that makes it particularly attractive as a ground cover or featured in a rock garden. It will even grow in cracks in paths, reflecting its alpine origins. This plant will grow in any reasonable garden soil in sun or light shade. It is happiest in well-drained soil in full sun.
  • Full sun or partial shade
  • Height 4” x Spread (mat forming)
  • Zone 4-8
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Alice in Wonderland'
sun, part shade, massing, 2-3 ft., ruffled lemon flowers, mid blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'August Bright'
sun, part shade, massing, 1-3 ft., gold flowers, late blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis 'Black Eyed Stella'
sun, part shade, massing, 14-20" Golden-Yellow with red eyezone. A semi-evergreen, early bloomer that faithfully repeats, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Buried Treasure'
sun, part shade, massing, 2.5 ft., ruffled light yellow flowers, early/mid-blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Candy Apple'
sun, part shade, massing,1-2 ft., tangerine-pink flowers, mid blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Catherine Woodbury'
sun, part shade, massing, 2.5 ft., pale orchid-pink flowers with green throats, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Christmas Carol'
sun, part shade, massing, 2.5 ft., velvet red flowers with green throats, early to mid-blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  ‘Colonial Dame
sun, part shade, massing, 36 in. light apricot, very hardy garden flower with clean fragrence, heat and drought resistant, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Eenie Weenie'
sun, part shade, massing, 1-2 ft., yellow flowers, early-mid bloomer, Zone 4-9
Hemerocallis 'Eenie Weenie'

click to enlarge

Day Lily
Hemerocallis fulva
sun, part shade, massing, -4 ft., 3-4 in. orange flowers, roadside, meadow habitat, blooms June-July, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  ‘Happy Returns’
sun, part shade, massing, 16 in., canary yellow, upright fans, dark green foliage, spreads 15-24 in., from ‘Stella de Oro’ parentage, blooms May-frost, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis 'Hyperion'
sun, part shade, massing, 3 ft. fragrant lemon-yellow flowers, mid blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Joan Senior'
sun, part shade, massing, 26 in., white recurved petals, vigorous grower, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'King of Hearts'
sun, part shade, massing, 2 ft., red flowers, sun fast, mid blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'La Louisianne'
sun, part shade, massing, 2 ft., melon flowers with lavender ribs, yellow throats, mid blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Lavender Frolic'
sun, part shade, massing, 2 ft., lavender flowers, mid blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Lavender Sky'
sun, part shade, massing, 2 ft., med. lavender flowers, vigorous grower, mid-season, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Little Fairy'
sun, part shade, massing, 1.5 ft., golden orange flowers, mid-blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis minor
sun, part shade, massing, yellow flowers May-fall, plants collected in Siberia by Kurt Bluemel, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Pardon Me'
sun, part shade, massing, 18 in., bright burgundy-red with yellow throat, mid-bloomer, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Precious One'
sun, part shade, massing, 2 ft., ruffled pink-apricot flowers, early/mid-blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Raspberry Season'
sun, part shade, massing, 2.5 ft., plum-raspberry flowers, mid blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis 'Red Volunteer'
sun, part shade, massing, 1994 Award of Merit, 30 in., fire engine red, velvety thick texture, mid-blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Russian Leather'
sun, part shade, massing, 12-15 in., red-purple flowers, mid-late bloomer, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Sing Again'
sun, part shade, massing, 2.5 ft., ruffled cantaloupe-pink flowers, early/mid-repeat bloomer, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Stella de Oro'
sun, part shade, massing, 1 ft., gold flowers, June-frost repeat bloomer, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis  'Suzy Wong'
sun, part shade, massing, 2 ft., pale yellow flowers, early/mid blooming, Zone 4-9
Day Lily
Hemerocallis 'Viette's Cream'
sun, part shade, massing, 2 ft., ruffled cream flowers, mid-blooming, Zone 4-9
Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Beedham's White'
shade, massing, ground cover, blooms Spring, pure white flowers, yellow foliage, Zone 4-9
Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Chequers'
shade, massing, ground cover, blooms Spring, 6-8" Foliage of medium green with a white center rib, but necessarily on all leaves. Flowers purple pink blooming April - May, Zone 4-9
Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Elizabeth de Haas'
shade, massing, ground cover, blooms Spring, pink flowers, good growers, part shade, Zone 4-9
Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Pink Pewter'
shade, massing, ground cover, blooms Spring, 6" Foliage silvery green, flowers light pink blooming April - May, Zone 4-9

Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Red Nancy'

shade, massing, ground cover, blooms Spring, 4-6 in., red flowers, silver leaves, Zone 4-9
Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Silbergroschen’
shade, massing, ground cover, blooms Spring, 4-6 in. high, pink flowers, spotted silver foliage, Zone 4-9

Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy'

shade, massing, ground cover, blooms Spring, 4-6 in. high, white flowers, blooms May-June, Zone 4-9
Dutch Lavender
Lavandula dentata
sun, dry conditions, blooms in June, Zone 5-9
Dwarf Chinese Astilbe
Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila'
part shade, massing, groups, 8 in., light purple flowers, rock garden, ground cover, Zone 5-8
Dwarf Deutzia
Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'

A dwarf, dense, rounded, deciduous shrub which forms a graceful, spreading mound typically reaching 2' in height. Tiny (to 3/4" across) white flowers in small, upright panicles cover the shrub in early spring for 10-14 days. Medium green leaves turn an attractive deep burgundy in fall. More compact form than the species. Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to light shade. Prefers moist soils with high-humus levels.  It’s best performance flowering is in full sun but still blooms sparsely in some shade.

  • Height: 1’-2’ x Spread: 2’ -5’
  • Full sun - part shade
  • Zone 5-8