To locate perennials by COMMON NAME, click on the first letter of the name below.
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Botanical / Common Name |
Description |
Photo |
Sacred Lily, Lily of China Rohdea japonica |
This rare and highly-prized, tropical-looking, oriental native provides the appearance of an evergreen hosta. The 1' long x 2" wide, thick, dark green leaves form an upright vase-shaped clump to 2' wide in 10 years. Late in the season, the insignificant flowers produce short stalks of red berries that persist through the winter at the base of the plant. When used en masse, Rohdeas are a dynamite evergreen addition to the deep shade garden for a presence even in winter.
Sage Salvia glutinosa |
sun, borders, massing, 2-3 ft., light yellow flowers blooming Summer-frost, narrow foliage, Zone 7-9 | |
Sage Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Adrian’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 2 ft., white flowers, drought resistant, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Caradonna' |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 24-30" With upright stems of dark purple, the violet-blue flower spikes really set this one apart, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Lubeca’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 1-2 ft., violet-purple flowers, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Rügen’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 1-2 ft., true blue flowers, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Senior’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, 2-3 ft., purple blue flowers, blooms June-Aug, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage Salvia verticillata 'Purple Rain' |
sun, borders, massing, 1-2 ft., purple flowers, long stems, attractive green foilage, Summer blooming, Zone 4-7 | |
Sage - Blue Hill Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Blauhügel’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 1-2 ft., clear blue flowers,Zone 5-8 | |
Sage - Blue Queen Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Blaukönigin’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 1-2 ft., light blue flowers,Zone 5-8 | |
Sage - Dancer Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Tänzerin’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, 1-2 ft. white flowers, blooms June-Aug, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage - East Friesland Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Ostfriesland’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 2-3 ft. violet purple flowers, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage- May Night Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Mainacht’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 1997 PPA Plant of the Year, 1-2 ft.,dark violet-blue flowers, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage- Rose Queen Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Rosenkönigin’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 1-2 ft., violet pink flowers, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage - Rose Wine Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Rosenwein’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, 2 ft., mauve pink flowers, Zone 5-8 | |
Sage - Snowhill Salvia nemorosa (S. Superba) ‘Schneehügel’ |
sun, borders, massing, olive-green foliage, full sun, drought resistant, blooms June-August, Zone 5-8 | |
Saxifrage Bergenia x 'Winterglut' |
It is a large-leaved, clump-forming perennial that is primarily grown as a ground cover. It is noted for its large shiny cabbage sized foliage. It has dark rose pink 16” tall flowers in April and its dark green leaves which turn purplish-bronze in winter. ‘Winterglut’ features large rosettes of leathery, glossy, toothed, rounded, dark green leaves (to 10” long by 8” wide) that are heart-shaped at the base. Leaves typically form a thick, slowly-spreading clump of foliage to 12” tall. ‘Winterglut’ has unique reddish fall and winter foliage color. The common name is generally, simply Bergenia but it has been historically called Pigsqueak because of the noise produced by rubbing a leaf between your thumb and finger.
Saxifrage Bergenia cordifolia 'New Hybrids' |
Strong growing plants in a wide mix of flower colors and leaf types. Use in part shade, but will take full sun in the north. Blooms in early spring. The bright colored flowers come in mix of rose, pink and red with lilac, purple and white. Large glossy leaves take on a reddish to purplish-red color in the fall and winter.
Saxifrage Bergenia cordifolia 'Rotblum' |
'Rotblum' is an interesting variety of Bergenia. It forms red flowers over evergreen, round, leathery leaves with wavy edges. Leaves turn red in autumn. Has a typical Bergenia habit and form with a bit of a zippy leaf shape.
Scented Ox Eye Telekia speciosa (Buphthalmum s.) |
4-5 ft., yellow flowers in Summer, part shade, massing, Zone 5-8 | |
Sea Holly Eryngium agavifolium 'Bluetop Eryngo' |
Alpine Sea Holly, largest flowering, showy form, gun-metal blue flowers in a soft feathery ruffled foliage. It thrives in dry, hot sites but prefers deep soil. It is often used in perennials borders are prized as a specimen for its amazing botanical architecture. It is an excellent cut flower for drying. It attracts both bees and butterflies.
Sea Holly Eryngium alpinum 'Amethyst' |
This is a rarely-sited native perennial plant that appears naturally in varied habitats ranging anywhere from moist to slightly dry black soil prairies, clay prairies, sand prairies, thickets, typical savannas, sandy savannas, and limestone glades. It has a stout central stem that is unbranched, except near the flower head. The alternate leaves tend to occur near the base of the plant, although a few smaller leaves occur along the upper portion of the stem. These leaves are long and strap-like, rather stiff in texture, and up to 2½' long and 2½" across. They are narrowly lanceolate, often curve downward, and have parallel venation. There are widely scattered, but stiff, teeth along the margins. The entire plant is bluish or greyish green and hairless. Interesting fact, this is a very odd member of the Carrot family that resembles a yucca.
Sea Holly Eryngium yuccifolium 'Rattlesnake Master' |
thistle-like flowers, sun, dry location, blooms in Summer, Zone 5-9 | |
Sea Myrtle Baccharis halimifolia |
Baccharis halimifolia is a fall-flowering evergreen perennial that is commonly found in the southeastern United States, although it may be found as far north as Maine. It is typically found in coastal plains and wet areas. Its numerous branches extend from short trunks and are covered densely with branchlets. It is a deciduous shrub bearing grey-green, oval leaves. White-green flowers appear in small, dense, terminal clusters. It is wonderfully tolerant of saltwater spray. That makes this handsome ornamental one of the few eastern shrubs suitable for planting near the ocean.
Seaside Aster Aster spectabilis |
sun, massing, blooms early Fall, 18 in., blue single flowers, hot, sunny, dry poor or sandy soils, deep green foilage, native to USA, attracts butterflies, Zone 4-8 | |
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum ‘Aglaia’ (Chrysanthemum) |
sun, Summer blooming, 2 ft., large double white frilly flowers with yellow center, dark green foliage, part shade, Zone 4-9 | |
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum 'Alaska' (Chrysanthemum) |
sun, Summer blooming, 2-3 ft., large single white flower with yellow center, Zone 4-9 | |
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum 'Becky' (Chrysanthemum) |
sun, Summer blooming, 2003 PPA Plant of the Year, 3-4 ft., large single white flower, upright, rich-blooming, Zone 4-9 | |
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum 'Dwarf Snow Lady' (Chrysanthemum) |
sun, Summer blooming, 1 ft., pure white flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum ‘Esther Read’ (Chrysanthemum) |
sun, Summer blooming, 2 ft., large double white flowers with yellow center, sun to part shade, blooms mid-Summer, Zone 4-9 | |
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum 'Snow Cap' (Chrysanthemum) |
sun, Summer blooming, 8-10" Compact foliage of glossy, dark green leaves. Pure white single floers with yellow center., Zone 4-9 | |
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum 'Switzerland' (Chrysanthemum) |
sun, Summer blooming, 2-3 ft., long lasting, large white flowers, hardy grower, Zone 4-9 | |
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum ‘Venus’ (Chrysanthemum) |
sun, Summer blooming, 2- 3 ft. pink double flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Short-toothed Mountain Mint Pycanthemum muticum |
2-3 ft., pinkish flower, full sun, part shade, meadows moist wood area, Zone 4-8 | |
Siberian Bugloss Brunnera macrophylla |
Brunnera is a rhizomatous, clump-forming perennial which features small, forget-me-not-like flowers (light blue with yellow centers) in airy, branched racemes rising well above the foliage on slender stems to 18" tall in April-May. Attractive heart-shaped, blackish-green leaves (3-5" wide) form a foliage mound which remains attractive throughout the growing season. The vivid flower commands attention in the shade when it blooms. Hardy and attractive in the woodland garden.
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Blue King' |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 30", Big blue flowers blooming in June, Zone 3-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Butter & Sugar' |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 28" Flowers are white with falls of butter yellow. Blooming late spring early summer. Moist, full sun-partial shade, Zone 3-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Caesar' |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 3-4 ft., violet-purple flowers, upright growing, Zone 4-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 2-3 ft., blue to nearly black flowers, good for borders, Zone 4-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Dewful' |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 2 ft., pale blue flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Dreaming Spires' |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 2 ft., medium-blue flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Little White’ |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 1-1.5 ft., white flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Snow Crest' |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 2-3 ft., white flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Vi Luihn' |
sun, moisture loving, blooms late Spring, 2-3 ft., large bright-cobolt blue flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'White Sails' |
sun, moisture loving, 2-3 ft., white flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Silver Edge Lemon Thyme Thymus citriodorus 'Silver Edge' |
8-12", foliage of grayish green with silver margins, sweetly scented in lemon. Pink flowers in June, Zone 5-7 | |
Smooth Aster Aster laevis |
sun, massing, blooms early Fall, 2-4' An abundance of violet-blue flowers. A hardy aster, often blooming well into late fall, Zone 4-8 | |
Smooth Phlox Phlox glaberrima |
sun, part shade, borders, 2 ft., rose-pink flowers in Spring, Zone 5-9 | |
Sneezeweed Helenium ‘Mardi Gras' |
This is an erect, clump-forming variety. The 2” flowers resemble a daisy with yellow and red bi-colored petals surrounding a deep brown domed center. Yellow rays are irregularly splashed with various shades of red. Starting in August, the flowers bloom for about 2 months and stay attractive until seed.
Sneezeweed Helenium ‘Rotgold Hybrids'’ |
This collection is best expressed in the landscape en masse. The ‘Rotogold Hybrids’ lets you avail a gamut of colors ranging from sunny yellow, gold, orange, bright red to brownish red. These blooms come in several dozen or more at a time. It makes an exquisite display of long blooming flowers in really hot garden colors.
Snowdrop anemone Anemone sylvestris |
Blooms early to mid spring - Flowers are white with a yellow center and slightly drooping. These fragrant little drops are easy to grow and overwinter. In harsh winter, they benefit from the protection against heavy rain and snow melt – easily remedied by planting under a spready tree. They are easily grown in containers. This Anemone proliferates by spreading their underground runners.
Soapwort Saponaria lempergii 'Max Frei' |
1 ft., large light rose flowers June-July, cushion-like growth habit, full sun, drought tolerant, Zone 5-7 | |
Solomon's Seal Polygonatum falcatum 'Variegatum' |
Green leaves with white edges and fragrant white flowers that bloom on small stems at the base of the leaves in early spring. Great for a shaded border or woodland setting. Also makes a good cut flower
Speedwell Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' |
sun,12 in., sky blue flowers, excellent ground cover, full sun, blooming April-May, Zone 6-8 | |
Speedwell Veronica prostrate 'Heavenly Blue' |
sun, 6 in., sapphire blue flowers in May-June, rock gardens, climber, sun, evergreen foilage, Zone 4-8 | |
Speedwell Veronica spicata 'Goodness Grows' |
sun, 1 ft., purple flowers, blooms June-Aug, good for borders, Zone 4-8 | |
Speedwell Veronica spicata 'Icicle’ (V. longifolia var. subsessilis x V. spicata) |
sun, 1-2 ft., pure white flowers in May-June, groups, Zone 4-8 | |
Speedwell Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles' PP |
sun, 15" mounded deep green foliage with rich blue flower spikes blooming June-August, Zone 3-9 | |
Speedwell Veronica spicata 'Rotfuchs’ |
sun, 1-2 ft., rose-pink flowers, blooming June-Aug, Zone 4-8 | |
Speedwell Veronica ssp. incana |
sun, 10 in., blue flowers, gray foliage, Zone 4-8 | |
Speedwell Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue' |
sun, 1993 PPA Plant of the Year, 1-2 ft., dark blue flowers all Summer, Zone 4-8 | |
Spurge Euphorbia 'Excalibur' |
E. ‘Excalibur’ is a clump-forming perennial that has particularly attractive foliage and long lasting flowers that are actually yellow bracts. It typically grows to 3’ tall. The red-tinted early spring foliage is easily identifiable in the perennial landscape. It has mature green leaves that have a light yellow central midrib. The yellow flowers in corymbs appear in summer with long-lasting pale yellow bracts. The pink stems turn deeper red in autumn. Very unique contribution to the full sun perennial bed.
Spurge Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae |
This variety has dark, glossy evergreen leaves arranged in tight rosettes and produces yellow-green bracts in mid-spring and early summer. This plant is useful as an effective ground cover, as it spreads by root runners. Its drought tolerance also lends this plant to xeriscaping. This Euphorbia will also tolerate full shade and coastal conditions. Care should be exercised when locating this plant as its sap may cause an allergic reaction in some people. Ecologically this plant will attract pollinating insects such as bees that will feed on its nectar. Spurge is one of the best for using as a groundcover in milder winter regions. Plants form an evergreen spreading mound of deep green, leathery leaves held on bronzy-red stems. Clusters of greenish-yellow bracts are showy in late spring. Good candidate for problem areas and may be trimmed immediately after blooming, if desired.
Spurge |
This is a highly desirable, purple variation of wood spurge goes through an interesting seasonal evolution of coloration. Its foliage starts out green in the Spring, then each sprig of new growth coming in with a wine-colored blossoms. In late March throughout April, it bursts into a profusion of lime green flower heads almost blotting out the foliage. In Fall & Winter, the upper leaves and stems mature to a deep purple-ruby. The following Spring, the leaves become green again. This particular wood spurge will give the best show in full sun in coastal areas with average to low water and well-drained soil. As it ages, the parent plant will self seed new plants to refresh itself.
Spurge Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' |
An erect, rhizomatous perennial that grows a bit shorter than our other spurges. It has the same oblong leaves with dusky leaves but these have a nice purple in the spring. It does not wait for the fall to show off its colors. It matures to a rich burgundy-purple and then a reddish tinge in autumn. The stems are also purple. The yellow showy bracts will appear in late spring and are usually lightly tinged with purple as well. The true flowers are yellowish-green and inconspicuous. Foliage provides interesting summer and fall accent. Milky sap can irritate skin and eyes and is mildly poisonous if ingested. The more sun the deeper the foliage color.
Spurge Euphorbia myrsinites |
Fleshy, blue-gray, evergreen leaves spiral up the trailing stems that bear bright yellow-green flower heads from mid-spring to summer. Great for dry sites.
Spurge Euphorbia palustris |
This is a European native Euphorbia that is also most attractive in the fall when the the foliage turns bright orange and yellow. In the spring it forms bright radiating green, willow-like leaves on delicately branching stems. Then, in spring to mid-summer it puts on quite a show of large, umbel-like, chartreusy-yellow flower bracts. True to its name “palustris” meaning swamp-loving, it thrives in moist conditions, but tolerates some dryness, too. Perfect for the edge of a woodland garden, where deer are prevalent as it not attractive to deer in the least. Remember, Euphorbias have a milky sap that can be irritating to skin and eyes so use caution when cutting back.
St. John's Wort Hypericum calycinum |
1 ft., yellow flowers, sun, part shade, ground cover, Zone 5-9 | |
St. John's Wort Hypericum x. 'Hidcote' |
2-3 ft., low hedge, sun, groups, Zone 6-9 | |
Stoke's Aster Stokesia laevis 'Blue Danube' |
1-2 ft., leathery foliage, sun, groups, blooms July- Sept, blue flowers, Zone 5-9 | |
Stoke's Aster Stokesia laevis 'Klaus Jelitto' |
1-2 ft., leathery foliage, sun, groups, blooms July- Sept, large pink flowers, lilac-like, Zone 5-9 | |
Stoke's Aster Stokesia laevis 'Wyoming’ |
1-2 ft., leathery foliage, sun, groups, blooms July- Sept, pale blue flowers, Zone 5-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy' (Herbstfreude) |
sun, ground cover, massing, 2 ft., pink flowers bloom in September, brown seed heads from Fall-Winter, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum 'Blue Carpet' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 3 in., white flowers in May, bluish foliage, dry, Zone 5-8 | |
Stonecrop Sedum 'Jaws' PP |
sun, ground cover, massing, 16-18", light green foliage with serrated edges. Flowers are bright pink blooming June to August. Zone 3-8 | |
Stonecrop Sedum 'Matrona' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 2 ft., large pink flowers in Sept., strong stems and large pinkish foilage, excellent Winter décor, Zone 3-8 | |
Stonecrop Sedum 'Mohrchen' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 2 ft., pink flowers in Fall, dark brown foliage, Zone 3-8 | |
Stonecrop Sedum 'Purple Emperor' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 12-16", foliage so dark red purple its almost black in apperance. First bloom is a pink purple turning a more darker purple in the fall, July-Sept. Zone 3-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum 'Robustum' ('Ruby Glow') |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1 ft., pretty pink flowers in September, purple-grayish foliage, likes dry locations, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum 'Vera Jamison' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1-2 ft., pink flowers w/ mahogany foilage in Sept., groups, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum album 'Murale |
sun, ground cover, massing, 4", green foliage turning red in the late fall through winter season. White folwers blooming in June-August. Zone 3-8 | |
Stonecrop Sedum cauticola 'Bertram Anderson |
sun, ground cover, massing, 6-8", blue foliage with purple flowers in Sept, Zone 3-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum floriferum 'Weihenstephaner Gold' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 8 in., golden flowers in Summer, fine-textured foilage, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 6 in., golden flowers, dark leaves with white edge, non-spreading, blooms in Summer, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum lineare 'Variegatum' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 9 in., sun, yellow flowers, light green with white margin foilage, Zone 6-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 4-6", blue-green foliage with bright yellow flowers from June to August. Zone 5-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum sexangulare |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1 in., yellow flowers in early Spring, rock garden, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop |
sun, ground cover, massing, 6-10", foliage of blue-green with pink flowers blooming Sept.-Oct, Zone 3-9 | |
Stonecrop |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1-2 ft., blooms Aug-Sept, deep pink flowers, strong grower, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spectabile 'Carmen' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1-2 ft., blooms Aug-Sept, dark reddish-pink flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spectabile 'Frosty Morn' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1-2 ft., blooms Aug-Sept, 2.5 ft. tall, silver-white variegated foliage, pink flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spectabile 'Meteor' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1-2 ft., blooms Aug-Sept, carmine red flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spectabile 'Neon' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1-2 ft., blooms Aug-Sept, 15-18 in., improved version of 'Brillant', deep purple/pink flowers, thick flower clusters, blooming in Fall., Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spectabile 'Star Dust' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1-2 ft., blooms Aug-Sept, 1.5 ft., pale silver pink and white flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spurium 'Album Superbum' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 3-5 in., blooms May-June, ground cover, good between stepping stones, white flowers, strong grower, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spurium 'Fuldaglut' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 3-5 in., blooms May-June, ground cover, good between stepping stones, blood red flowers, improved 'Dragon's Blood', Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spurium 'Schorbuser Blut' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 3-5 in., blooms May-June, ground cover, good between stepping stones, 3-6", foliage of dark green turning red in the fall and winter seasons. Zone 3-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum spurium ‘Tricolor’ |
sun, ground cover, massing, 3-5 in., blooms May-June, ground cover, good between stepping stones, red, green, and white foliage, pinkish flowers, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum telephium 'Clown' |
sun, ground cover, massing, 1-2 ft., white flowers in Fall, yellow variegated foliage, Zone 4-9 | |
Stonecrop Sedum telephium ‘Larineum Park’ |
sun, ground cover, massing, 6 in., dense, compact grower, covered with a fine textured white flower, moist to average soil, blooms May-June, Zone 3-9 | |
Stoke's Aster Stokesia laevis 'Alba' |
1-2 ft., leathery foliage, sun, groups, blooms July- Sept, white flowers, Zone 5-9 | |
Stoke's Aster Stokesia laevis 'Blue Danube' |
1-2 ft., leathery foliage, sun, groups, blooms July- Sept, blue flowers, Zone 5-9 | |
Stoke's Aster Stokesia laevis 'Klaus Jelitto' |
1-2 ft., leathery foliage, sun, groups, blooms July- Sept, large pink flowers, lilac-like, Zone 5-9 | |
Stoke's Aster Stokesia laevis 'Wyoming’ |
1-2 ft., leathery foliage, sun, groups, blooms July- Sept, pale blue flowers, Zone 5-9 | |
Strawberry Violet Viola labradorica |
6 in., blue flowers with purple foilage, blooms April-May, Zone 3-7 | |
Sunflower Helianthus decapetalus 'Capenoch Star' |
This native looks most like the annual sunflower. It’s sunny lemon-yellow flowers appear neatly with gold/green wide centers. Prefers moist soils in full sun, but is tolerant of drought and light shade. It responds nicely to a light fertilizer before blooming. After blooming, cut foliage back to keep your garden tidy. Helianthus can naturalize an area quickly so keep an eye on its development over the season. It is best utilized in the back of a border garden.
Sunflower Helianthus decapetalus ‘Plenus’ |
This perennial sunflower bears bright yellow blooms during late summer to early autumn. The foliage is deep green in color. This specimen Helianthus decapetalus 'Plenus' can help to create a focal point in your garden design for a dramatic end-of-summer blooming event. The difference from this bloom as compared to other H. decapetalus is that multiple overlapping petals that are as full as a mum-flower. Not the typical single, obident petal form of other sunflowers.
Sunflower Helianthus decapetalus 'Lemon Queen' |
In true H. decapetalus form it has an attractive upright flower head. ‘Lemon Queen’ has a distinctive softer color than the others. Its single row of petals glows in a soft, sunny yellow rather than the deeper gold. This tall perennial can reach 6-8 feet tall in clumps of dark green foliage. The flowers are a branching spray of lemony flowers in the late summer. It prefers full sun and moist soil. Attracts butterflies and birds. Makes an excellent cut flower
Sunflower Helianthus maximiliani |
daisy-like flower, sun, 9-12 ft., bright-yellow flowers in summer, thick green foilage, blooms Aug-Oct, Zone 6-9 | |
Sunflower Helianthus microcephalus |
daisy-like flower, sun, 5-6 ft., fine textured sunflowers with smaller features, clear yellow flowers, blooms Aug-Sept, Zone 4-8 | click to enlarge |
Sunflower Helianthus mollis |
daisy-like flower, sun, 4-5 ft., yellow flowers in Fall, grayish foliaget, Zone 6-9 | |
Sunflower Helianthus strumosus |
daisy-like flower, sun, 5-6 ft., yellow flowers, blooms July-Septt, Zone 5-9 | |
Swamp Mallow Hibiscus moscheutos |
4-5 ft., sun, Summer blooming, 4-6' Hollow firm stems supporting plate-sized blooms, In an array of colors from white, pink to deep red, Zone 5-9 | |
Swamp Mallow Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Galaxy’ |
4-5 ft., sun, Summer blooming, 3-4 ft., clear color blooms white, light pink, rose, dark rose, light-red, deep-red, strict upright growth habit, mostly red, Zone 5-9 | |
Swamp Mallow Hibiscus moscheutos 'Southern Belle Mixed' |
4-5 ft., sun, Summer blooming, 4-5 ft. Summer blooms of red, pink and white, Zone 4-8 | |
Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata |
4-5 ft., pink flowers, sun, moist, summer blooming, native, Zone 4-9 | |
Swamp Sunflower Helianthus angustifolius |
This is a narrow leaf sunflower that is naturally found along bogs and ponds in more than 20 states in the Union. Here in the Mid Atlantic its significant blooms appear in October in a golden mass along our rivers and inlets surrounding the Chesapeake Bay. It thrives in sandy banks and mesic areas in full to part shade. It has thin dark leaves which are attractive but it is the fall blooming 2” golden flower that makes this an attractive native. In the optimum environment, it is quite prolific. In a typical perennial bed without the excessive moisture it is less aggressive but will adapt nicely.
Swamp Sunflower Helianthus angustifolius ‘Gold Lace’ |
This is a selection from the native narrowleaf sunflower. The deep dark leathery foliage of ‘Gold Lace’ is a magnificent back drop to show off the wildly gold flowers that bloom in absolute profusion in October. Drought tolerant once established but tolerant of a wide variety of conditions. Swamp Sunflower prefer consistent moisture while establishing. In the optimum environment, it is quite prolific. In a typical perennial bed without the excessive moisture it is less aggressive but will adapt nicely.
Sweet Box Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis |
1-1.5 ft., fragrant, creamy-white flowers blooming in February, evergreen foliage, deep shade, excellent ground cover, Zone 7-9 | |
Sweet Woodruff Galium odoratum (Asperula oderata) |
This stoloniferous perennial has small white flowers and narrow leaves used as food and beverage flavoring and in sachets. This is a widely cultivated old-world woodland ground cover.