Kurt Bluemel, Inc.

Perennials / G

(Common Listing)

Locate perennials by BONTANICAL NAME


To locate perennials by COMMON NAME, click on the first letter of the name below.


Botanical / Common Name
Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata  'Blue Boy'
sun, part shade, borders, 2-3 ft., lavender-blue flowers, Summer blooming, Zone 5-9
Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata  'Blue Paradise'
sun, part shade, borders, 36-40" A tall phlox with blooms starting off a light blue & turning a rich violet blue. Eyes of dark purple. Blooming July-Aug., Zone 4-8
Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Bright Eyes'
sun, part shade, borders, 3 ft., clear soft pink flowers with ruby-red eye, Summer blooming, Zone 5-9

Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata  'David'

sun, part shade, borders, 2002 PPA Plant of the Year, 3-4 ft., white flowers, mildew resistant, most fragrant., Zone 5-9
Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Franz Schubert'
sun, part shade, borders, 2 -3 ft. high, lilac flowers, blooms July-Aug, Zone 4-8
Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata  'Nicky'
sun, part shade, borders, , Zone 5-9
Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata  'Sandra'
sun, part shade, borders, 2 ft., bright red flowers, blooms June-Aug, mildew resistant, Zone 5-9
Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata  'Starfire'
sun, part shade, borders, 3 ft., true red flowers, Summer blooming, Zone 5-9
Gay Butterflies
Asclepias tuberosa 'Gay Butterflies'
2-3 ft., mixture of yellow, orange and red flowers,Zone 4-8
Liatris pycnostachya
sun, groups, Summer blooming3-4 ft., good cut and border perennial for Summer color, bright purple flowers, Zone 4-8
Liatris spicata
sun, groups, Summer blooming, 2-3 ft., purple flowers, good cut flower, Zone 4-8

Liatris spicata 'Floristan Violett'

sun, groups, Summer blooming, 3-4 ft., dark violet flowers, Zone 4-8
Liatris spicata 'Floristan Weiss'
sun, groups, Summer blooming, 3-4 ft., fluffy white flowers, Zone 4-8
Liatris spicata 'Kobold'
sun, groups, Summer blooming, 1-2 ft., mauve-pink flowers, compact variety of the Liatris, good cultivar for borders, Zone 4-8
Teucrium chamedrys
1 ft., pink flowers in Spring, evergreen, sun, edging, Zone 7-9
Globe Thistle
Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Glow'

Echinops bannaticus is an erect, clump-forming perennial globe thistle that typically grows to 4’ (less frequently to 6’) tall on stiff, sometimes branching stems. Spiny, deeply-dissected leaves (to 14” long) are rough green above and downy-white below. Globular, thistle-like, gray-blue flower heads (to 2” diameter) bloom at the stem tops in summer. ‘Blue Glow’ improves on the species by producing intense steel blue flower heads.

  • Height: 2’- 4’ x Spread: 1’– 2’
  • Full sun
  • Zone 4-9
Goat's Beard
Aruncus aethusifolius

This species of goat's beard is a Missouri native plant which occurs in moist woodlands and along bluffs in the central and southeast part of the State. A tall, erect, bushy, clump-forming plant typically growing 4-6' high which features pinnately compound, dark green foliage and showy, plume-like spikes of tiny, cream colored flowers which rise well above the foliage in early to mid summer, creating a bold effect. This rose family member is somewhat similar in appearance to Astilbe.

  • Height: 4’- 6’ x Spread: 2’ – 4’
  • Full sun to part shade
  • Zone 4-8


Goat's Beard
Aruncus dioicus

'Kneiffii' typically grows to only 3' tall and features pinnately compound, rich green foliage which is deeply cut into thread-like segments and plume-like spikes of tiny, cream colored flowers which rise above the foliage in late May. This rose family member is somewhat similar in appearance to Astilbe.  Easily grown in average, medium to wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Best in moist, fertile soils. Foliage decline can be rapid if soils are permitted to dry out. Prefers part shade, particularly in the southern part of its growing range. Does not perform well in the hot and humid conditions of the deep South.

  • Height: 2 to 3 feet x Spread: 1.5 to 2 feet
  • Full shade – part shade
  • Zone 3-7
Goat's Beard
Aruncus dioicus 'Kneiffii'

'Kneiffii' typically grows to only 3' tall and features pinnately compound, rich green foliage which is deeply cut into thread-like segments and plume-like spikes of tiny, cream colored flowers which rise above the foliage in late May. This rose family member is somewhat similar in appearance to Astilbe.  Easily grown in average, medium to wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Best in moist, fertile soils. Foliage decline can be rapid if soils are permitted to dry out. Prefers part shade, particularly in the southern part of its growing range. Does not perform well in the hot and humid conditions of the deep South.

  • Height: 2 to 3 feet x Spread: 1.5 to 2 feet
  • Full shade – part shade
  • Zone 3-7

Goat's Beard
Aruncus sinensis 'Zweiweltenkind'

Bold, showy plant for a moist or partly shaded spot. Large plume flowers dance above light green foliage with tan tints. Excellent foil for the back of the border,and also perfect for a woodland garden.

  • Height: 4’ x Spread: 3'
  • Part sun-part shade
  • Zone 3-7
Solidago x 'Little Lemon' PP
12 ", beautifull compact, native goldenrod with bright yellow flowers blooming Aug.-Oct, Zone 5-8
Solidago microcephala
open sandy place, native along east coast, blooms Sept-Oct, Zone 4-8
Solidago odora
2-6 ft., yellow flower, dry open woods, sandy soil, native to eastern USA, can be invasive, Zone 4-8
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
4-5 ft., yellow flowers in Aug-Sept, full sun, Zone 4-8
Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece
1-2 ft., yellow flowers in Aug-Sept, full sun, Zone 4-8
Golden Star
Chrysogonum virginianum

6-9 in., yellow flowers, sun, blooms in Spring, Zone 6-8
Golden Star
Chrysogonum virginianum 'Allen Bush'

A long blooming native groundcover that’s suitable for the front of the garden as well as for naturalizing and rock or alpine gardens. Brightens a shady spot with its golden yellow, daisy-like flowers.  Covered in flowers throughout spring.  A cheery presence in any garden, much like its name sake!

  • Height: 8-10” x Spread: 1’-3’
  • Sun to part shade
  • Zone 6-8
Golden Star
Chrysogonum virginianum 'Mark Viette'

'Mark Viette' is a clump-forming, handsome 6-inch tall plant with thick, semi-evergreen deep green leaves and perky 1-inch flowers of buttercup yellow.  Blooms off and on all summer. Grows best in light shade to full sun in the North and in the shade in the South.  Charming groundcover.

  • Height: 6” – 12” x Spread:  1’- 3’
  • Full Sun to Part Shade
  • Zone 5-8
Golden Varigated Thyme
Thymus citriodorus 'Gold Lemon'
8", foliage green with yellow margins, sweetly scented in lemon. Pink flowers blooming June-July, Zone 5-9

Solidago x 'Little Lemon' PP

12 ", beautifull compact, native goldenrod with bright yellow flowers blooming Aug.-Oct, Zone 5-8
Solidago microcephala
open sandy place, native along east coast, blooms Sept-Oct, Zone 4-8
Solidago odora
2-6 ft., yellow flower, dry open woods, sandy soil, native to eastern USA, can be invasive, Zone 4-8
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
4-5 ft., yellow flowers in Aug-Sept, full sun, Zone 4-8
Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece'
1-2 ft., yellow flowers in Aug-Sept, full sun, Zone 4-8
Greek Jerusalem Sage
Phlomis russeliana (P. samia hort.)
3-4 ft., yellow flowers in June-July, sun, Zone 4-8