To locate bamboo by BOTANICAL NAME, click on the first letter of the name below.
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Botanical / Common Name |
Description |
Photo |
Sasa minor | (Clumping Bamboo) Selection of U.S. National Arboretum, 3-4 ft.,Zone 6b | |
Sasa palmata | (Clumping Bamboo) shade, large enlongated palm like foliage 6-7ft., Zone 6-9 | |
Sasa tesselata (syn. Indocalamus) | (Clumping Bamboo) 3ft., part shade to full sun, large shiny dark green leaves, moderate spreader, Zone 6 | |
Sasa veitchii | (Clumping Bamboo) 3-5 ft., large green leaves with white margins in Winter, Zone 6-9 | |
Sasa veitchii minor | This dwarf bamboo has deep-green leaves that become bi-colored with the onset of autumn. The leaves then display straw-colored margins, which persist into spring in warmer zones. It is a striking plant en masse or as groundcover in a woodland garden. It usually grows to 2 or 3 feet tall, but may reach 5 feet tall in deep shade.
Sasaella ramosa | (Clumping Bamboo) 6 ft., wide green leaves with white hairs, Zone 7-9 | |
Semiarundinaria fastuosa |
S. fastuosa is the largest hardy bamboo growing in the Pacific Northwest that is not a Phyllostachys. It is upright and makes a good screen or hedge. This bamboo is supposed to grow 35 feet tall, but has only reached a height of 25 feet at the Bamboo Garden Nursery near Portland, OR. The culms start green then age to a burgundy color in the Fall, when the temperature drops to near freezing. During the growing season it appears to be primarily a green caned bamboo.
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Shibatea kumasasa | (Clumping Bamboo) 2-3 ft., shiny dark green leaves, excellent ground cover, a runner, Zone 7-9 | |