Kurt Bluemel, Inc.

Grasses / S

(Botanical Listing)

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Botanical / Common Name

Saccharum (Erianthus) ravennae  Sugarcane plume grass,
Giant plume grass

This is one of the tallest most commanding grass stands in the garden.  The foliage is actually only about 5’ tall in handsome clumps, but it haults the on-looking once it blooms.  The voluminous plumes can reach up to 10’ tall with airy heads that are reminiscent of pampas grass.  Makes a suitable green wall or wind barrier, as it is very strong.  It has good winter interest as well.  Majestic heights make this a unique addition to any landscape

  • Full Sun
  • Dry Soil Moisture
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Deer resistant
  • Season of Interest – Blooms late Summer/Fall
  • Use as specimen, back border, massing for green wall or windbreakmers. 
  • Zone 6
Eragrostis ravennae

click to enlarge

Saccharum officinarum 'Pele's Smoke' (spring planting) 6-8 ft., foliage and cane dark reddish-purple, full sun, moist soil, division or cuttings of mature cane, Zone 10
Saccharum ravennae 
Ravenna Grass
(spring planting) 9-12 ft., specimen, like pampas grass but more hardy, inflorescence are silver-bronze turning to silver, blooms in Spring, Zone 6-9
Schizachyrium scoparius
Little Blue Stem
(spring or fall planting) 2-3 ft., blooms late Summer, blue-green, turning reddish, common in Maryland, Zone 5-9
Schizachyrium scoparius 'The Blues' (spring or fall planting) 2-3 ft., bluish foliage, heat tolerant, pink culms, Zone 5-9
Schizachyrium scoparius 'Blue Heaven'
spring or fall planting) S. 'Blue Heaven' is a taller more upright form of Little bluestem reaching a height of 48 inches. Dark blue to burgundy foliage in the summer turning to purple to violet to red in the fall. Can with stand a wide range of soil types from heavy clay to dry and even alkaline soils. Prefers full sun. Zone 6-9
Scirpus tabernaemontana 'Zebrinus’ 
Zebra Rush
(spring planting) 2-3 ft., green and white banded foliage, moisture-loving, Zone 6-9
Sesleria autumnalis
Autumn Moor Grass
(spring or fall planting) 1 ft., sun, blooms in Summer and Fall, yellow-green foliage, very drought resistant, Zone 5-8
Sesleria caerulea 
Blue Moor Grass
(spring or fall planting) 6-12 in., sun, rock garden, blooms in Spring, silver inflorescence, Zone 5-8
Sesleria heufleriana (spring or fall planting) 1-2 ft., sun, rock garden, green-blue foliage, blooms March-April, white flowers, choice, Zone 5-8
Sesleria nitida (spring or fall planting) 1-2 ft., blue foliage, stiff habit, tolerant of dry conditions, Zone 5-8
Sorghastrum nutans 
Indian Grass

This 60”+ tall ornamental grass is the original North American planes grass.  It once covered millions of acres of unexplored terrain in America’s heartland.  It is widely adaptable to many environments including fierce cold and extreme heat.  It is most beautiful in bloom as its elegant long-legged foliage gives over to the reddish-brown flowers with vibrant yellow anthers.  These flowers appear and remain from July to frost.  It dries nicely and can be used in fresh or dried flower arrangements.  Although beautiful, it is also a workhorse grass.  It is excellent for erosion control and tolerates median strip or roadside abuses from pollution and snow removal practices.  

  • Full- part shade
  • Dry well drained
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Deer resistant
  • Season of Interest – Spring through Fall 
  • Use for erosion control, meadows or meadow restoration projects, roadsides, parking islands or large highway median strips where site obstruction will not be an issue (very tall)
  • Zone 4-9
Sorghastrum nutans 'Sioux Blue' (spring planting) 4-6 ft., bright blue foliage, stiff upright growth habit, attractive flower heads, Zone 4-9
Spartina alterniflora 
Smooth Cord Grass
(spring or fall planting) 4-5 ft., full sun, seashore plant, rapid grower, Zone 6-9
Spartina patens 
Salt Meadow Hay
(spring or fall planting) 1-3 ft., sun, shore erosion control, tolerates dry and moisture once established, Zone 5-9
Spartina pectinata 
Prairie Cord Grass
(spring or fall planting) 4-6 ft., sun, moisture tolerant, arching foliage, inflorescence above foilage, Aug-Sept, Zone 5-9
Spartina pectinata  'Aureomarginata’ 
Variegated Prairie Cord Grass
(spring or fall planting) 4-6 ft., yellow margin on arching leaves, blooms Aug-Sept, Zone 5-9
Spodiopogon sibiricus 
Silver Spike Grass
(spring or fall planting) 4-5 ft., sun, blooms July-Aug., reddish foliage in late Summer, Zone 5-9
Sporobolus heterolepsis 
Prairie Dropseed
(spring planting) 15 in., foliage of medium green to deep orange in Fall to copper in Winter, flowers reach up to 30 in., blooms Aug-Sept, moisture, full sun, Zone 4-8
Stipa gigantea 
Giant Feather Grass
(spring planting) 4-5 ft., sun, dry, groups, 20 in. foliage, flowers reaches up to 8 ft. high, Zone 7-9
Stipa tenuissima 
Mexican Feather Grass
(spring planting) 4-5 ft., sun, dry, groups, 2-3 ft., silky flowers in June, Zone 7-9